The basic idea in interval arithmetic is to perform computations with a whole interval of real numbers
\[[a, b] \bydef \{x \in \mathbb{R}: a \le x \le b \},\]
where $a, b \in \mathbb{R} \cup \{ \pm \infty \}$; note that despite the above notation, $[a, b]$ does not contain infinity when $a$ or $b$ are infinite.
We define functions on intervals in such a way that the result of the computation is a new interval that is guaranteed to contain the true range of the function.
For instance, by monotonicity, the exponential function is given by
\[e^{[a, b]} \bydef [e^a, e^b].\]
On the other hand, the squaring function is non-monotone, thus it is given by the following cases
\[[a, b]^2 \bydef \begin{cases} [a^2, b^2], & 0 \le a \le b, \\ [0, \max(a^2, b^2)], & a \le 0 \le b, \\ [b^2, a^2], & a \le b \le 0. \end{cases}\]
Of course, we must round the lower endpoint down and the upper endpoint up to get a guaranteed enclosure of the true result.
IntervalArithmetic defines such behaviour for a wide set of basic functions, thereby allowing the evaluation of more complex functions such as
\[f(x) = \sin(3x^2 - 2 \cos(1/x))\]
To illustrate the use of interval arithmetic, consider the following:
julia> using IntervalArithmetic
julia> f(x) = x^2 - 2
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = interval(3, 4)
Interval{Float64}(3.0, 4.0, com)
julia> f(x)
Interval{Float64}(7.0, 14.0, com)_NG
Since f(x)
does not contain 0
, the true range of the function $f$ over the interval $[3, 4]$ is guaranteed not to contain $0$, and hence we obtain the following property.
Theorem: $f$ has no root in the interval $[3, 4]$.
This theorem has been obtained using floating-point computations! In fact, we can even extend this to semi-infinite intervals:
julia> f(interval(3, Inf))
Interval{Float64}(7.0, Inf, dac)_NG
Therefore, we have excluded the whole unbounded set $[3, \infty)$ from possibly containing roots of $f$.
Interval arithmetic is the foundation of more powerful and elaborate methods in the field of computer-assisted proofs (see e.g. IntervalRootFinding.jl).
The interested reader may refer to the following books:
- R. E. Moore, R. B. Kearfott and M. J. Cloud, Introduction to Interval Analysis, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2009)
- W. Tucker, Validated Numerics: A Short Introduction to Rigorous Computations, Princeton University Press (2010)
Compliance with the IEEE standard for interval arithmetic
IntervalArithmetic.jl complies with the specifications described in the IEEE standard for interval arithmetic. However, the reverse-mode of functions are not implemented (see Section 10.5.4).