Taylor model variables and range bounding
Taylor models can be applied to the problem of range bounding, that is to find an interval $I \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ such that $f(x) \in I$ on a given domain $x \in D$ (including possible floating point errors, see examples below). There are several ways to construct a Taylor model. A convenient way is to define a "Taylor model variable", which is then passed as argument to Julia functions. The following examples should help to clarify this method. To simplify the presentation we have only considered the univariate case, but this package can also handle multivariate Taylor models with the TaylorModelN
Here we construct a Taylor model variable specifying that:
- The truncation order is 3.
- The expansion is around the origin (
). - The domain is the real interval centered around the origin $[-0.5, 0.5]$.
using TaylorModels
t = TaylorModel1(3, interval(0), -0.5..0.5)
[1, 1] t + [0, 0]
Here the polynomial part is (the interval) $1$, and the remainder is zero. We can pass this Taylor model variable to any Julia function, for example:
texp = exp(t)
[1, 1] + [1, 1] t + [0.5, 0.5] t² + [0.166666, 0.166667] t³ + [0, 0.00288794]
This expression is a polynomial of order 3 (in agreement with the truncation order specified in the construction of t
), whose coefficients are intervals that are guaranteed to contain the exact coefficient of the Taylor expansion of the function $t \mapsto e^t$ in $D : [-0.5, 0.5] \subset \mathbb{R}$. Similarly, we can expand trigonometric functions such as $t \mapsto \sin(t)$:
tsin = sin(t)
[1, 1] t + [-0.166667, -0.166666] t³ + [-0.00124851, 0.00124851]
Common arithmetic operators, such as addition (+
) and multiplication (*
) work with Taylor model variables out-of-the-box:
s = texp + tsin
[1, 1] + [2, 2] t + [0.5, 0.5] t² + [-2.77556e-17, 2.77556e-17] t³ + [-0.00124851, 0.00413645]
p = texp * tsin
[1, 1] t + [1, 1] t² + [0.333333, 0.333334] t³ + [-0.0065406, 0.00610658]
One-dimensional bounding
To bound the range of a Taylor model in one variable, use the function bound_taylor1
using TaylorModels: bound_taylor1
[bound_taylor1(x) for x in [s, p]]
2-element Vector{Interval{Float64}}:
[0.124999, 2.12501]
[-0.291667, 0.791667]
This shows in particular that $0.12499 \leq e^t + \sin(t) \leq 2.12501$ and that $-0.291667 \leq e^t \sin(t) \leq 0.791667$ for all $t \in D$. Such bounds are in general not tight.
If desired, the common approach to improve the bounds is to evaluate the Taylor model on a smaller interval, e.g.
D = domain(s) # domain -0.5 .. 0.5
E = evaluate(s, D) # original, no mincing
[-0.00124851, 2.12914]
Dm = mince(D, 8) # split the domain into 8 smaller chunks
Em = evaluate.(s, Dm) # evaluate the Taylor model on each sub-domain
Rm = reduce(hull, Em) # take the convex hull, i.e. the smallest interval that contains them all
[0.0690639, 2.12914]
Here the lower bound has been improved by mincing (or splitting) the domain, and it may improve by repeating such operation recursively on smaller domains. In particular, the fact that the lower bound is greater than zero constitutes an algorithmic proof that $s : t \mapsto e^t + \sin(t)$ is positive on $D$. Let's visualize the function $s(t)$ and the bounds obtained so far.
using Plots
Dt = range(-0.5, 0.5, length=100)
fig = plot(xlab="t", ylab="s(t)", legend=:topleft)
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> exp(t) + sin(t), lab="", c=:black)
# range bounds
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> sup(E), lab="N = 1", c=:blue, style=:dash)
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> inf(E), c=:blue, lab="", style=:dash)
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> sup(Rm), lab="N = 8", c=:red, style=:dash)
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> inf(Rm), c=:red, lab="", style=:dash)
R16 = reduce(hull, evaluate.(s, mince(D, 16)))
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> sup(R16), lab="N = 16", c=:orange, style=:dash)
plot!(fig, Dt, t -> inf(R16), c=:orange, lab="", style=:dash)
Internal representation
Consider again the Taylor model variable from the Taylor model variables and range bounding example.
[1, 1] t + [0, 0]
Such constructor is an alias for
TaylorModel1(x0 + Taylor1(eltype(x0), ord), zero(dom), interval(x0), dom)
Taylor models in one variable are internally represented using four fields: a Taylor series (pol
) in one variable that holds the polynomial approximation of order ord
; the interval remainder (rem
); the expansion point (x0
), and the interval domain of interest (dom
). Getter functions are defined for each of these fields:
[0, 0]
[1, 1] t + 𝒪(t⁴)
[-0.5, 0.5]
[0, 0]
Finally, note that the Taylor model type has two parameters, T
and S
. The first parameter, T
, refers to the numeric type of the coefficients of the polynomial, in this case an interval with double precision floating point values (Interval{Float64}
). The second parameter, S
, refers to the numeric type of the interval that holds the remainder, expansion point and domain of interest (in this case Float64
TaylorModel1{Interval{Float64}, Float64}
If we had defined the expansion point using 0.0
instead of interval(0)
, the coefficients of (the polynomial part of) this Taylor model variable would be floats instead of intervals.
z = TaylorModel1(3, 0.0, -0.5..0.5)
1.0 t + [0, 0]
TaylorModel1{Float64, Float64}
1.0 t + 𝒪(t⁴)
Using a polynomial with interval coefficients guarantees that all arithmetic operations involving t
are conservative, or rigorous, with respect to floating point arithmetic.