IntervalArithmetic.jl API




A DecoratedInterval is an interval, together with a decoration, i.e. a flag that records the status of the interval when thought of as the result of a previously executed sequence of functions acting on an initial interval.

An IntervalBox is an N-dimensional rectangular box, given by a Cartesian product of a vector of N Intervals.

Region  - Type
Region{T} = Union{Interval{T}, IntervalBox{T}}


@biginterval  - Macro

The @biginterval macro constructs an interval with BigFloat entries.

The @floatinterval macro constructs an interval with Float64 entries.

@format  - Macro
@format [style::Symbol] [decorations::Bool] [sigfigs::Integer]

The @format macro provides a simple interface to control the output format for intervals. These options are passed to the setformat function. It returns the new DisplayParameters object.

The arguments may be in any order and of type:

  • Symbol: the output format (:full, :standard or :midpoint)

  • Bool: whether to display decorations

  • Integer: the number of significant figures


julia> x = 0.1..0.3
@[0.0999999, 0.300001]

julia> @format full
Display parameters:
- format: full
- decorations: false
- significant figures: 6

julia> x
Interval(0.09999999999999999, 0.30000000000000004)

julia> @format standard 3
Display parameters:
- format: standard
- decorations: false
- significant figures: 3

julia> x
[0.0999, 0.301]
@interval  - Macro

The @interval macro is the main method to create an interval. It converts each expression into a narrow interval that is guaranteed to contain the true value passed by the user in the one or two expressions passed to it. When passed two expressions, it takes the hull of the resulting intervals to give a guaranteed containing interval.



    @interval(0.1, 0.2)

    @interval(1/3, 1/6)



bisect  - Function
bisect(X::Interval, α=0.49609375)

Split the interval X at position α; α=0.5 corresponds to the midpoint. Returns a tuple of the new intervals.

bisect(X::IntervalBox, α=0.49609375)

Bisect the IntervalBox X at position α ∈ [0,1] along its longest side.

bisect(X::IntervalBox, i::Integer, α=0.49609375)

Bisect the IntervalBox in side number i.

cancelminus  - Function
cancelminus(a, b)

Return the unique interval c such that b+c=a.

See Section 12.12.5 of the IEEE-1788 Standard for Interval Arithmetic.

cancelminus(xx, yy)

Decorated interval extension; the result is decorated as trv, following the IEEE-1788 Standard (see Sect. 11.7.1, pp 47).

cancelplus  - Function
cancelplus(a, b)

Returns the unique interval c such that b-c=a; it is equivalent to cancelminus(a, −b).

cancelplus(xx, yy)

Decorated interval extension; the result is decorated as trv, following the IEEE-1788 Standard (see Sect. 11.7.1, pp 47).

diam  - Function

Return the diameter (length) of the Interval a.

emptyinterval  - Function

emptyintervals are represented as the interval [∞, -∞]; note that this interval is an exception to the fact that the lower bound is larger than the upper one.

entireinterval  - Function

entireintervals represent the whole Real line: [-∞, ∞].

hull  - Function
hull(a, b)

Returns the "interval hull" of the intervals a and b, considered as (extended) sets of real numbers, i.e. the smallest interval that contains all of a and b.

hull(xx, yy)

Decorated interval extension; the result is decorated as trv, following the IEEE-1788 Standard (see Sect. 11.7.1, pp 47).

interval  - Function
interval(a, b)

interval(a, b) checks whether [a, b] is a valid Interval, which is the case if -∞ <= a <= b <= ∞, using the (non-exported) is_valid_interval function. If so, then an Interval(a, b) object is returned; if not, then an error is thrown.

isatomic  - Function

Check whether an interval x is atomic, i.e. is unable to be split. This occurs when the interval is empty, or when the upper bound equals the lower bound or the nextfloat of the lower bound.

iscommon  - Function

Checks if x is a common interval, i.e. a non-empty, bounded, real interval.

isthin  - Function

Checks if x is the set consisting of a single exactly representable float. Any float which is not exactly representable does not yield a thin interval. Corresponds to isSingleton of the standard.

mince  - Function
mince(x::Interval, n)

Splits x in n intervals of the same diameter, which are returned as a vector.

mince(x::IntervalBox, n)

Splits x in n intervals in each dimension of the same diameter. These intervals are combined in all possible IntervalBox-es, which are returned as a vector.

nai  - Function

NaI not-an-interval: [NaN, NaN].

pow  - Function
pow(x::Interval, n::Integer)

A faster implementation of x^n, currently using power_by_squaring. pow(x, n) will usually return an interval that is slightly larger than that calculated by x^n, but is guaranteed to be a correct enclosure when using multiplication with correct rounding.

radius  - Function

Return the radius of the Interval a, such that a ⊆ m ± radius, where m = mid(a) is the midpoint.

setformat  - Function
setformat(format=none; decorations=none, sigfigs=none)

setformat changes how intervals are displayed. It returns the new DisplayParameters object.

Note that The @format macro is more user-friendly.

The following options are available:

  • format: interval output format

    • :standard: [1, 2]

    • :full: Interval(1, 2)

    • :midpoint: 1.5 ± 0.5

  • sigfigs: number of significant figures to show in standard mode; the default is 6

  • decorations (boolean): show decorations or not


julia> setformat(:full, decorations=true)
Display parameters:
- format: full
- decorations: true
- significant figures: 6
setrounding  - Function
setrounding(T, mode)

Set the rounding mode of floating point type T, controlling the rounding of basic arithmetic functions (+, -, *, / and sqrt) and type conversion. Other numerical functions may give incorrect or invalid values when using rounding modes other than the default RoundNearest.

Note that this is currently only supported for T == BigFloat.


This function is not thread-safe. It will affect code running on all threads, but its behavior is undefined if called concurrently with computations that use the setting.

setrounding(f::Function, T, mode)

Change the rounding mode of floating point type T for the duration of f. It is logically equivalent to:

old = rounding(T)
setrounding(T, mode)
setrounding(T, old)

See RoundingMode for available rounding modes.

setrounding(Interval, rounding_type::Symbol)

Set the rounding type used for all interval calculations on Julia v0.6 and above. Valid rounding_types are (:fast, :tight, :accurate, :slow, :none).