Polyhedral approximations with LazySets

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In the IntervalConstraintProgramming tutorial we saw how to solve the set inversion problem, i.e. how to find the region in Rn\mathbb{R}^n that satisfies a set of constraints.

Interval constraint programming uses interval boxes. However, if the region we want to approximate is not box-shaped, it will require a large number of boxes to be represented accurately. To operate with those regions, it is practical to simplify such union of boxes with another set representation, hopefully without information loss, i.e. minimizing the overapproximation error.

The package LazySets.jl can be used to approximate regions returned by IntervalConstraintProgramming.jl using general set types such as polyhedra, that is, finite intersections of half-spaces. More generally, unions of polyhedra can be used if the region is not convex.

First let us import the packages we need

using IntervalArithmetic, IntervalConstraintProgramming, LazySets, Plots

The overapproximation of a paving using a polyhedron in constraint representation ( HPolyhedron) with constraints in the given directions dirs can be computed with the overapproximate(::Paving, dirs::AbstractDirections) function as illustrated below.

S = @constraint x^2+y^2 + 3*sin(x) + 5*sin(y) <= 1.0

X = IntervalBox(-10..10, 2) # our starting box
paving = pave(S, X, 0.02)
- tolerance ϵ = 0.02
- inner approx. of length 1310
- boundary approx. of length 835

We will choose octagon directions, meaning that the directions normal to the overapproximating polyhedron are parallel to those of an octagon (this method is not restricted to two dimensions):

Xoct = overapproximate(paving, OctDirections(2))

plot(Xoct, lab="Octagon", alpha=.5, c=:orange)
plot!(paving.inner, c="green", aspect_ratio=:equal, label="inner")
plot!(paving.boundary, c="gray", label="boundary")

The function overapproximate considers the union of the elements in the boundary of the paving and then computes the support function of the such union along each chosen direction, obtaining the corresponding polyhedron in constraint form. In this example we have picked octagonal directions, but specifying other sets of directions is also possible (see the documentation for details).

When no directions are known a priori, we can also let the algorithm choose the directions by an iterative refinement process of the given tolerance ε\varepsilon (this method only works in two dimensions). First we construct YY, the (lazy) convex hull of the paving's boundary, then we overapproximate it using polygons:

Y = ConvexHullArray(convert.(Hyperrectangle, paving.boundary))

Xpoly = overapproximate(Y, 0.1)
Xpoly′ = overapproximate(Y, 0.01)

plot(Xoct, lab="Octagon", alpha=.5, c=:orange, legend=:bottomright)

plot!(Xpoly, lab="Polygon, ε=0.1")
plot!(Xpoly′, lab="Polygon, ε=0.01", alpha=1.)

plot!(paving.boundary, lab="Paving (boundary)", c=:lightblue)
plot!(paving.inner, lab="Paving (inner)", c=:yellow)

lens!([0.0, 0.3], [0.0, 0.3], inset = (1, bbox(0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.4)))

To conclude, we note that in all cases considered the number of initial boxes is much larger than the complexity of the approximation if we measure it in terms of the number of constraints:

length(paving.inner) + length(paving.boundary)