Interval optimisation tutorial

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The IntervalOptimisation.jl package can be installed with

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("IntervalOptimisation")

Once the package is installed, it can be imported. Note that you will need also the IntervalArithmetic.jl package.

using IntervalArithmetic, IntervalOptimisation

Function minimisation

The package two main functions are minimise and maximise. Here we will use minimise as example, however maximise behaves in an analog way. The main syntax is

minimise(f, X, tol=1e-3),

where f:RnRf:\mathbb{R}^n↦\mathbb{R} is the function to minimize, XX is the interval, or interval box, over which we minimize the function. For example, let's consider the function f(x)=(x3)2f(x)=(x-3)^2 and let us find its global minimum over its whole domain

minimise(x->(x-3)^2, -∞..∞)
([0, 7.392914838e-09], IntervalArithmetic.Interval{Float64}[[2.999645979, 3.000182057]])

The first value of the results tells us that the minimum value of the function is in the interval [0,7.39292e09][0, 7.39292e-09]. The second value tells us that this minimum is achieved in the interval [2.99964,3.00019][2.99964, 3.00019]. If we want to narrow down this interval, we can use a smaller tolerance

minVal, xmin = minimise(x->(x-3)^2, -∞..∞, tol=1e-9)
xmin, [diam(x) for x in xmin]
(IntervalArithmetic.Interval{Float64}[[2.999999999, 3.000000001]], [5.109304090922251e-10])

Now the diameter of the minimiser is only 101010^{-10} and the minimum is guaranteed to be in that interval.

Multivariate function minimisation

The package can also be used to minimise multivariate functions. Now, the function ff will take an array, and XX will be an interval box of dimension nn. As an example, let us find the minimum of the paraboloid z=(x3)2+(y3)2z=(x-3)^2+(y-3)^2 over the box [100,100]×[100,100][-100, 100]×[-100, 100]. First let's define the function

paraboloid(x) = (x[1]-3)^2 + (x[2]-3)^2
paraboloid (generic function with 1 method)

and our interval box

X = IntervalBox(-100..100, 2)
[-100, 100] × [-100, 100]

now we can obtain the minimum

zmin, xmin = minimise(paraboloid, X, tol=1e-10)
([0, 4.245252e-22], IntervalArithmetic.IntervalBox{2,Float64}[[2.999999999, 3.000000001] × [2.999999999, 3.000000001]])

the position of the minimum has been found with an accuracy of

[diam(x) for x in xmin]
1-element Array{Float64,1}:

Griewank function minimisation

The nn-dimensional Griewank function is defined as

Gn(x)=1+14000i=1nxi2i=1ncos(xii), G_n(\mathbf{x})=1+\frac{1}{4000}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 -∏_{i=1}^n \cos\left(\frac{x_i}{\sqrt{i}}\right),

for example the 1-dimensional Griewank function is

G1(x)=1+x24000cos(x) G_1(x) = 1+\frac{x^2}{4000}-\cos(x)


and it is commonly used to test optimisation algorithms. This function has the property to have several regularly distributed local minima, but only one global minimum at the origin. Let's define our function

G(X) = 1 + sum(abs2, X) / 4000 - prod( cos(X[i] / √i) for i in 1:length(X) )
G (generic function with 1 method)

Now let's verify our package finds the minima in several dimensions

for N in (1,2, 10, 20, 50)
    res, xmin = minimise(G, IntervalBox(-600..600, N))
    @show N, res, diam(xmin[1])
(N, res, diam(xmin[1])) = (1, [-0, 0], 0.000541404722891739)
(N, res, diam(xmin[1])) = (2, [-0, 0], 0.000541404722891739)
(N, res, diam(xmin[1])) = (10, [-0, 0], 0.000541404722891739)
(N, res, diam(xmin[1])) = (20, [-0, 0], 0.000541404722891739)
(N, res, diam(xmin[1])) = (50, [-0, 0], 0.000541404722891739)

Clustering problem

The clustering problem is an issue arising in global optimisation with interval arithmetic. Let us consider a simple function

f(x) = x^2 - 2x + 1
f (generic function with 1 method)

You may recall that interval arithmetic suffers from the dependency problem, i.e. if the same variable is repeated in the expression (as in the example above) then evaluating the function will produce an overestimate. Observe

[-3, 5]

using Interval arithmetic we obtain the range [3,5][-3, 5], while the true range is [0,1][0, 1]. Suppose xx^* is a minimiser for ff, then for an ϵ\epsilon small enough we will have that f(x)f([x+ϵ,x+2ϵ])f(x^*) \in f([x^*+\epsilon, x^*+2\epsilon]). Hence, close to the minimiser xx^* we will have intervals not containing xx^* that cannot be thrown away, because they seem to contain f(x)f(x^*). Observe the following example

minval, minimisers = minimise(f, 0..2, tol=1e-3);
@show length(minimisers)
length(minimisers) = 102

The function returns 102102 minimisers, however only of these contains the true minimiser x=1x=1. The following picture illustrates this

using Plots
plot(f, 1-0.1, 1+0.1, lw=2)
plot!(IntervalBox.(minimisers, f.(minimisers)), legend=false)

Using a stricter tolerance makes things worse, as we will keep bisecting those fake minimisers, obtaining more fake minimisers that cannot be thrown away, Observe

minval, minimisers = minimise(f, 0..2, tol=1e-6);
@show length(minimisers)
length(minimisers) = 2990

How to solve this problem? A solution is the so called mean-value form, instead of computing f(X) with traditional interval arithmetic, we use the following formula

f(X)=f(m(X))+f(X)(Xm(X)) f(X) = f(m(X)) +f'(X)(X-m(X))

where m(X)m(X) denotes the midpoint of XX. It can be proved that the true range of f(X)f(X) is enclosed into the mean value form. It can also be proved that the mean-value form overestimates reduces the overestimate. Let us define a function to compute the mean-value form, using ForwardDiff to compute the derivative

using ForwardDiff

mean_value_form(f, X) = f(mid(X)) + ForwardDiff.derivative(f, X)*(X - mid(X))
mean_value_form (generic function with 1 method)

Now let us try to minimise the function using the mean-value form

minval, minimisers = minimise(X -> mean_value_form(f, X), 0..2, tol=1e-6);
@show length(minimisers)
@show minimisers
length(minimisers) = 3
minimisers = IntervalArithmetic.Interval{Float64}[[0.999999378, 1.000000281], [1.00000028, 1.000001169], [0.9999984897, 0.9999993781]]

As you can see, the number of minimisers has been reduced from 2990 to 3!